Sunday, May 25, 2014

Problem Solving

I appreciate this group and want to get the most out of it. I'm trying to grow my business but most importantly improve my business. I am going to pose a few questions for topic, debate and suggestions. I really hope this does not come off as overly complaining. Truly I am turning to fellow small business owners who may have or currently be facing similar issues.

First off I have respect for all other business owners. I understand that you do what you do for a living. You don't do because you have no life and can't think for anything better to do. Most people give up time with their families or hobbies to conduct their business. Even if you love your career I don't know anyone who would do it absolutely free, nor should they. 

Ok my first problem,
I don't push people into appointments. Most people contact me in some way and request an appointment for the day and time that suits them best. I try to accommodate the best I can. I also do not hide my prices. I feel that I am worth what I charge. If you don't feel that I'm worth it, it wont hurt my feelings and you don't have to use me. I usually charge a session fee or labor fee of some sort. I do this one because my time is worth something during the time with the client and later when I'm processing images, I may have had to give up something else I was doing for that time, I may have had someone else request an appointment for that time and had to refuse,  many times I have to find someone else to watch my daughter for me so I can do this job. So my problem is this, clients contact me for either portraits or events. They specified the day, time, they know the fees. Usually with weddings and events I try to collect prior to the event and with portraits fees are due at time of service. I have had many occasions lately where people get the service and then just don't pay. And please note I am not talking about ordering pictures or prints (there is no obligation to this). However, there is an obligation for services rendered. That would be like making an appointment with your hair dresser, having her do your hair and then at the end just say you know what I really don't have the money right now, I'll get you later. UMMM why didn't you say that before?
Now I think my main solution to this problem is going to be requiring everyone to put their session fee down as a deposit upon booking. Which I hate to do that but I think I'm being forced into this. However, how do I gently address the issue of those who currently have outstanding balances?
I would also like to add that I want everyone who uses me to be completely satisfied with my work. If for some reason they feel like I did not do my job well I would hope that they would discuss this with me so we could see where the misunderstanding or problem was. I will always try to make something right.
However, If someone wasn't happy with their session because their kid had a cold or they were having a bad hair day, I'm sorry I still did my job and everything you asked of me. 

I think having people prepay their session fees would also solve my second problem but I can see it causing other issues. My second problem is clients just standing me up for appointments. I am starting to see more and more that people for some reason feel their time is more important than mine. Which is offensive for so many reasons, many listed above. I completely understand if someone needs to cancel or reschedule. Life gets crazy and things change. I always appreciate as much notice as possible, preferably 24hrs but as long as you let me know I'm fine with it. My problem comes when they don't even cancel they just don't show up at all and don't even care. I recently had a client stand me up for an appointment, when I called her she completely did not care at all and was very rude. Then two days later called me back and tried to schedule another appointment like I should be jumping up and down to get her money. Seriously?!
Ok, so if I start requiring a deposit to book sessions, the tricky part gets into rescheduling.... Could I say if you don't reschedule at least 24 hrs prior to your appointment you loose your deposit. Or sometimes the problem is serial reschedulers  who want to reschedule 5 or 6 times. Each time I have lost an appointment I could have had with another client. At what point then do you cut them off?

Anyway, I am sure many of you have delt with similar issues and hopefully can shed some light on these things for me.

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